Lynnette Elliott
That’s Real! Teaching Real Kids to Read and Write the World!
Do your students cry out, “But it’s so boring” every time you try to get them to read or practice for a state exam? Does handing them an article have the same result as handing them a tissue? In this workshop we will discuss ways to get kids engaged in real-world reading. Learn how to motivate your students with anticipation activities and nonfiction pieces that will leave your students wanting more. Take home strategies that will transform your “I don’t care” students into “I read it, and I get it” students.

Books on Fire! Nonfiction you won’t be able to keep on your shelves!

Having trouble getting your students to read independently? In this workshop you will learn about titles that will have students burning to read nonfiction. We will focus on finding the right book for all types of readers and how to get students to think about and connect to their reading. You will learn how to motivate students with purposeful book passes and book talks and how to create a classroom library full of nonfiction titles that will spark student interest.

Getting It, Together! Using Strategies to Bridge the Gap between Fiction and Nonfiction
Do your students have difficulty understanding what they read? Do they read the words but fail to grasp the importance of what they read or make real world connections? In this session we will focus on
comprehension strategies that will engage your students in the reading process and help them to understand the significant concepts in your shared reading novel and connect it to the world around them. You will learn how to develop strategy lessons, use graphic organizers and encourage exploration that will lead all your students to comprehension and appreciation of fiction and nonfiction reading. With the right strategies and supports, you will be able to make shared reading meaningful and memorable for all of your students, and
build a bridge between fiction and the real-world.

Peace by Peace: Teaching Tolerance Through History and Literature
Do you have trouble getting your students interested in history? Would like to know more about using historical fiction and nonfiction in your social studies/history classroom to support learning and comprehension? In this workshop we will talk about how to build a unit on tolerance by studying America’s history of intolerance. You will learn how to use shared reading of a YA novel as the core of your curriculum and how to create lessons from the novel that allow students to experience and understand the historical significance of intolerance. Learn how to help students make the reading and writing connection through understanding their past and teaching them to plan for a more peaceful future.

Research: It’s Not Just a Term Paper!*
Are you tired of reading factual reports copied from the internet that don’t reflect student learning? Do you wish there was a way to get students excited about research? This workshop will discuss several ways you and your students can research subjects in all content areas and turn general information into interesting and meaningful facts. Teach students to research thoroughly by helping them establish a purpose for reading. Learn about ways to present that are alternatives to the “boring” research paper and that are enriched with
student voice and understanding.

* Repeated workshop

Lynnette's Bibliography Handout
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