Anthony Vicari
Informational Text…I’m Here to Stay!*
Chances are that your school concentrates more on fiction rather than nonfiction text? You; however, could possibly be or become the “Lone Ranger” as far as informational text and best practice nonfiction reading strategies come into play. This workshop will delve deep into some very high-yield strategies helping educators know what informational text is/is not and then applying these practices into real reading situations.

Using Questions to Promote Masters of Literacy

Learning begins with questions and the artful use of questions can lead our students to become actively involved in a lesson. During this workshop participants will experience useful information and tools to help increase their students’ motivation, participation, and higher-level thinking.

Robust Vocabulary for All
The “buzz” around schools today is effective, interactive vocabulary instruction for every single classroom. What does that really mean? What does the research say and how do we, classroom practitioners, apply these best practices into our daily instructional program? This workshop includes high energy, interactive discourse, and instructional strategies that support and increase students’ achievement levels in vocabulary.

A Writing Revolution and Nothing Less!
“Writing today is not a frill for the few, but an essential skill for the many.” – The National Commission on Writing for America’s Families, Schools, and Colleges. What does a good writing program look like in a school? What does a connected and continuous writing program look like, K-8? This workshop will promote and support the philosophy that “puts language and communication in their proper place in the classroom”. We will put writing squarely in the center of our school’s agenda and work with instructional strategies that yield mastery for all.

None of Us Is As Smart As All of Us!
The first step in becoming an effective teacher of writing is to become comfortable with one’ own ability to write. This workshop will involve participants in a hands-on expository writing lesson using the nationallyknown and research-based graphic organizer programs, Thinking Maps & Write from the Beginning. These two programs are implemented school-wide (K-5) at the presenter’s school. Mastery of writing achievement and student success has been evidenced throughout the past six consecutive years (2001- 2007).

*Repeated workshop
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